
More Music Coming to Recess - Fridays at 10


This Spring, Mega is coming to Recess to share her musical talents (nestled into a background of Early Childhood Ed) with our community. 

Come play on Friday Mornings at 10am to meet her and enjoy this beautiful, interactive activity.

We all benefit from music in our lives. If we are exposed to music and given the opportunity to explore than no note will be out of reach. Just as a child needs to be exposed to books for literacy, children need to be exposed to live music to play it, enjoy it and try it.

Music education is similar to other early childhood classroom curriculum, it must be joyful and playful. Children play to make sense of their environment, the world they are socialized into and through play children begin to understand how they influence it.

Children need to be able to move their bodies -- and the Recess playspace is a great place to do so. It is important to allow children to feel the rhythm of each song or chant and feel the beats in their bodies. All of the activities she leads include fine and gross motor activities that are both suggested and guided.

Musical classes assist in the development of all of the developmental domains as well as overall health and wellness. Music is calming, relaxing and soothing to any soul no matter the age. During music class children utilize cognitive and language skills whenever they listen to song lyrics and repeat them back. If given a shaker and asked to repeat back a rhythm children must listen and count the beats to copy the rhythm. 

When in class with others, children have an opportunity to practice using social/ emotional skills to wait for their turn to dance in the middle of the circle, or to add a silly word to a song or to bring a movement idea to the group, as well as when the classroom group sings together to create a beautiful melody.  

Children use physical skills to do gross motor activities like hopping, jumping, stomping, twisting, etc as well as using fine motor muscles to hold a shaker, to hold hands, or to copy small body movements. Children will be active participants!

Mega Bloom began working with young children as a Naturalist ten years ago. Over the past decade, Mega has held many positions in various teaching environments from outside the classroom, teaching in gardens and the forest teaching environmental science to most recently teaching in early childhood education classrooms.  Mega has taught toddlers and preschool aged children for the past three years in Oakland, California. When interacting with young children, Mega takes notice of each child's individuality and emphasizes their creative strengths. Mega loves to facilitate music and movement activities with young children! 


Hope to see you and your children for the first class March 16th! 

Free for Anytime members - Included in Day Passes 

March Madness

Join us this month for all kinds of fun!

TUES - MAR 6, 3:30PM  Family Concert: The Singing Lizard! (1-4 Yrs)

TUES - MAR 6, 7:30PM   Introducing the Sibling

TUES, MAR 13, 6:30PM  Toddler Sleep (webinar format)


Preparing for Preschool

Navigating the first year as a parent is no easy feat.  And then all of a sudden, you're faced with thinking about preschools, the beginnings of your child's educational journey, which can feel totally daunting!  

Luckily there are a variety of great resources to assist you in your search.  Here are our tips for an informed, but not crazy-making, search.  


First, it's worth doing a little (emphasis on little) general research to narrow down your choices.

  • Location: Between home and work is often best
  • Schedule: Do you need part time, full time, how many hours?
  • Fees: What is the family budget for child care?
  • Philosophy: What type of program will be the best fit for your child, given who they are?

As you start to consider which school philosophies seem like the best fit for your child's personality, check out this article for a quick glance at the various approaches --there's Montessori, Reggio Emilio, Waldorf, PlayBased, Academic, and more.  

This overview from the folks at Winnie is phenomenal and will give you an overall perspective on the search, cost and options. 



(this year, it's hosted by GGMG at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park on Thursday, September 28, 5:30-7:30pm). This event can feel a bit chaotic, as it's typically super busy and there is a wealth of information under one roof.  We recommend checking out the list of schools who will be at the event ahead of time, and then narrowing down your MUST VISIT school list to 4 or 6 schools.  

As you visit your top schools, you can get the answers you need to more specific questions about philosophies, costs, schedules, pre-admission visits and more. You'll also have an opportunity to meet and talk with parents, preschool directors and other representatives to get a feel for the school and whether it meshes with what you're looking for.



Once you've narrowed down your top choices, schedule open houses or tours or orientations, depending on the school's process.  Asking questions to assess whether or not each school is a right fit for your little one is important.  Here are some things to think about as you meet administration and parents from each school.  



While you are busy identifying and scoping out the right schools, help your child begin to develop familiarity with a drop-off environment, socializing with peers and, discovering interests.

The Precess Program at Recess is a great resource for establishing the foundational skills needed for a successful transition to Preschool.  Precess, taught by Nicki McGrath, has been an amazing precursor (and even alternative) to preschool for many children over the years.  Learn More

Fall Fitness: The Dia Method

Perhaps you heard the story on NPR or saw the clip on Good Morning America?  Regardless, The Dia Method is worth checking out if you've had (or are planning to have) a baby.  There are many ways to regain strength post pregnancy & childbirth.  We love Pilates and Yoga, and are excited to add The Dia Method to our roster this fall.    

Class spots are going fast.  Join us for the next 4 week course! 
(limited number of childcare appointments available--reserve yours early)  

In the meantime, check out these tips from instructor, Leah Keller.

Are you helping or hurting your core? 8 Telltale Tips

The core is integral to the entire body – how we feel, how we move, how we function in the most basic and intimate ways. When things are not quite right, our quality of life suffers. Whether you are early postpartum, or your kids are in preschool, I’d like to reassure that you can fully restore core strength and function, no matter how long it’s been. That said, the path to health, strength and full fitness can be confusing. Many of the exercises women embrace to get back in shape and build core strength inflict collateral damage on the very tissue they’re hoping to restore.

Nick Sousanis / Courtesy of Sustainable Fitness Inc. All rights reserved.

Nick Sousanis / Courtesy of Sustainable Fitness Inc. All rights reserved.

I’m often asked what activities, exercises or workouts are safe for diastasis recti, a common pregnancy-induced condition in which the rectus abdominis (the “6-pack muscles”) split apart due to the pressure of the growing baby. The most conservative data suggests diastasis recti affects over 60% of women following a first-time, singleton pregnancy. It’s not a tear, but a sideways stretch of connective tissue that weakens the core and compromises support for the back, the pelvic floor and the organs. In addition to the cosmetic impact (diastasis recti tends to leave women with a “pooch” that can linger years and even decades after delivery), this condition carries very real health implications, including back pain, urinary stress incontinence, and pelvic floor dysfunction. Ready for some good news? You can fully resolve diastasis recti without surgery! In addition to The Dia Method core and total body workouts, which are proven to resolve diastasis recti postnatally in less than 12 weeks, I’d like to provide some pointers for you when considering other activities so you can avoid exacerbating (or causing!) abdominal separation.

First of all, know that I am a lover of movement and activity. I encourage you to do whatever activities/exercise/workouts you enjoy, but with mindfulness and appropriate modifications when necessary to keep your core safe. You really can lead a very active life with and after resolving diastasis recti – but those activities must be done in such a way to make them safe for diastasis recti and to support your overall core health and function.

So… what are the questions you need to ask yourself while playing tennis? While participating in your favorite barre/yoga/boot camp class? While doing dance aerobics or swimming? It doesn’t matter what activity it is – the questions to help you determine whether that movement is safe for diastasis recti are universal. Here they are:

  1. Am I able to perform this movement/posture/exertion with my abs perfectly engaged to the spine? If not, you need to skip or modify that movement to make it safe for diastasis recti.

  2. Does anything that I’m doing cause my abs to bulge forward? Does it exert downward, outward or bulging pressure on my pelvic floor? If the answer is yes to either question, can I consciously avoid that or is it beyond my control? If beyond your control, you need to skip or modify that movement.

  3. Does the movement involve lifting my shoulders off the floor from a back-lying position? If so, modify that exercise to keep your shoulders down and your abs engaged toward the spine.

  4. Does the movement involve lifting both legs off the floor from a back-lying position? If it does, can I keep my spine neutral and my abs totally flat throughout the complete range of motion? The answer is probably no – this is too demanding for most humans, even very strong ones, to perform while keeping the abs and the back safe. Assuming you are not an Olympic gymnast with truly exceptional core strength, you can make this class of movement safe for diastasis recti by lifting only one leg at a time and keeping your hands on your abs to monitor proper engagement.

  5. Am I moving too quickly or too globally (burpees or mountain climbers, for example) to know whether or not my core is correctly engaged? If you can’t tell whether you are engaging the abs in a convex (bulging = injurious) or concave (flattening = safe for diastasis recti) direction, then you need to slow down that movement or otherwise modify/break it down to perform it with control and vigilance.

  6. Can I exhale and draw my belly toward the spine on every exertion? For example, when hitting a backhand, you should exhale and squeeze your belly button to the spine. Same with any lift (free weight/body weight/kettle bell/resistance machine/groceries/your children), a golf stroke, a row, a paddle…

  7. A word about backbends (especially geared toward yogis and dancers/gymnasts): a full wheel backbend, or any other extreme spinal extension and lengthening of the upper abdominal wall, will almost certainly exacerbate (or even cause!) diastasis recti. This stretch is essentially impossible to perform while keeping the belly button anchored to the spine and without flaring the lower ribcage, which opens the upper abdominal muscles. Please avoid this category of stretches to prevent injury. For an alternative that’s safe for diastasis recti, perform a gentle bridge pose or a modified cobra, which I coach you through at the end of the Firm, Flat and Fabulous workout.

  8. While performing aerobic activity, such as running, brisk walking, biking, swimming, dancing, other cardio, these are your most important self-checks:

- Can I maintain neutral spine (no ribs thrusting / butt sticking out / tucking the pelvis under) throughout the range of motion?

- Can I draw my abs “up and in” toward the spine with every exhalation? (The abs will need to soften and relax on inhalation to allow adequate oxygen uptake –but never bulge forcefully forward.)

- Additionally, if your cardio of choice involves impact (such as running or jumping), closely monitor your pelvic floor: do you feel downward or bulging pressure? Do you leak a little? If so, please take a break from that activity and focus on core strengthening exercises that are safe for diastasis recti. Switch to no or low-impact cardio (like cycling, swimming or walking) for a few weeks or months, until you have the core strength and control to resume running or other high impact workouts without stressing your pelvic floor. 

Following these tips is a great place to start for preventing and resolving diastasis recti. Of course with the variety of activity in our everyday lives, questions are bound to arise. Our members-only Facebook group is an active discussion forum where many interesting questions and inspiring events are discussed, yet we find that many conversations circle back to these 8 tips related to mindful movement and your core.

Just remember: There is no shortcut to self-awareness. I don’t provide a “complete” list of safe or not-safe diastasis recti movements because that’s not actually helpful. The moment you assume something is “safe” and stop monitoring your own body while performing it, you open yourself up to possible injury, even if the move itself is not inherently unsafe for diastasis recti. One person might be able to perform a full plank on the floor with perfect core engagement; another might not have the strength or coordination to do so (yet).

The Dia Method workouts offer a comprehensive program to resolve DR and achieve optimal health and fitness. Our private FB group is a safe place (free of advertising or solicitations) for Dia members to gain support from not just me, but a wonderful community of women sharing similar experiences. Join us today to restore your core, transform your body, and learn more about what exercises are safe for diastasis recti!

By Leah Keller, Creator of The Dia Method. Learn more about Leah at