August Updates
We have lots of exciting programming slated for the coming months designed to support you & your family.
8/18 CPR - infant, child & adult CPR plus choke saving. Join us Sunday morning to learn these life saving skills. 9:30 am.
8/19 Ask the Lactation Consultant. Katie Howser will be our guest expert for Monday's New Parent Group (0-12mo) at Noon. Connect with other new parents and get a little support as you make your way through the first year with your little one.
8/22 Baby Sign Language Playgroup 12:30pm. Learn to communicate with your child before they can verbalize.
8/29 Meet the Doula 6:30pm. If you’re expecting, join us for an evening to learn more about the role of a doula, and meet some local doulas.
Closed 9/2 for Labor Day
9/10 Introducing a New Sibling. If you're expecting, please join us to learn how to make the transition from 1 to 2 a smooth one.
9/11 Cooking without Waste 101. In this fun, hands-on class, you'll learn how to make apple cider vinegar, salad dressing and a delicious salad as you also gain tips for reducing food waste (& saving money!) as you feed your family.
9/14 10am. Infant Sleep Workshop with Dr. Angelique Millette at 10am. Angelique is a top notch expert in the field of sleep and child development, and an absolute wealth of information.
9/15. Childbirth Preparation. If you're expecting, we hope you'll join the incredible Kelly Gray to gain information and confidence as you welcome your little one to the world.
9/20. Estate Planning 101, at 11:30am. Learn what you should have in place, especially now that you're a parent.
9/29. Yoga for Posture and Alignment for Dads. We hear a lot about self care for moms. Here's a workshop especially for the papas out there. Taking good care of your body will enable you to keep up with the little ones as they only get faster!
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do to make Recess a supportive oasis for your family. Hope to see you soon, Lisa