Recess Collective

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A Peek into Our Precess Program

A Peek Into Precess

The fundamental goal of our small pre-preschool program is to provide a foundation for a love of learning and enrich your child's social and emotional skills.  If you are looking for a pre-preschool program, or a program to supplement a part time program, look no further!  Fall Session Begins September 11.

We do so many fun activities each week...many of which you could re-create at home.  Here's one of our favorites, tie-dying bandanas!

Tie dying bandanas is an exciting art activity that also helps with fine motor skills and color awareness. The best part is that no matter how you choose to color the fabric, it always looks brilliant when it's finished! 

White bandanas cost about $1 each and tie dye kits with 3 colors including 3 pairs of gloves and rubber bands cost $2.99-3.99 at Michaels or Flax. 

To begin, kids take their bandana and scrunch it into a tight ball. Then they need a little help placing the first rubber band around it. Kids should be able to then put 2 or 3 more rubber bands into their ball without help (or more even!). Then kids put on the plastic gloves; don't worry about fitting fingers in, they will be big and that's okay.

Kids can take turns with each bottle squirting dye onto their bandana and also watch their friends. Afterward put them in the washer and rinse them before drying them in a dryer. The next day children can see what their bandannas ended up looking like! They can wear them on their heads, neck, legs, or use them as a blankie for a baby doll. This is definitely one of our favorite activities in Precess. 

About The Program

Precess is a small drop-off program, for children 2.5-4 years old, to explore and discover through hands-on, sensory rich, play-based experiences. Each day, we start out with free play in Recess' expansive indoor playspace. Then we move on to share a snack and a story together. Learning and fun continue as we explore science experiments, create artwork, and play movement games. Through these varied activities, children learn following directions, working together, routine, and other key skills for learning success.

In Precess, we strive to create a warm and welcoming space for individualized learning through play, stories, songs, and art. Paired with the diverse playspace, Precess Kids is all about creating a unique learning environment that supports the development of young children.  

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