Recess for All
Our goal at Recess is to provide resources to all parents, regardless of current circumstance.
All families are loved, valued, and worthy to experience a full life of joy, happiness, and community. Recess offers a sliding scale for all services in line with our mission to create access for all parents regardless of ability to pay to supportive services.
When enrolling in a class or service, we simply ask you to determine where you fall on the scale below to identify a value exchange that works for you. And feel free to reach out with questions.
The top price class ticket is the actual cost of the class. If you choose a ticket price below the top tier you are receiving a discount.
The middle price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this class may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
The bottom price is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and paying for this class would still be a significant hardship.
“A sliding scale is a tool for building economic justice, and it requires your active participation. If a sliding scale is implemented effectively, everyone pays a similar percentage of their income for the same products or services. A wide range of payment options across the scale promotes broader accessibility, while ensuring fair compensation to the provider. Paying according to one’s available resources creates a more equitable system for pricing of products and services.”
“Class and income, of course, cannot be understood as an isolated experience, but is part of the complex interactions of race, gender, ability, privilege, sexuality, and the myriad of identities we all hold. The sliding scale is a great way to increase access.
Every single parent, along with their young children, deserves access to support, community and connection. ”