It’s important we do what we can to limit the effects of social isolation.
For seniors, the new parents in our community and those who live alone.
Obviously social isolation is crucial to slowing the spread of the virus. It’s something we know we need to do at this time. AND research shows a consistent relationship between social isolation and depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.
So let’s take this opportunity to check in on our neighbors (by phone/text/etc), share photos with relatives, or even help grandma and grandpa learn FaceTime.
Maybe this pandemic will help is all rethink how we move through our lives and re-prioritize social connection.
“... There’s going to be a level of social suffering related to isolation and the cost of social distancing that very few people are discussing yet.”
Humans are social animals, and the ability to make connections right now is vastly limited.
Many businesses are moving to online offerings during this pandemic to stay afloat and to provide social connection
These will help to take the edge off the sometimes pervasive anxiety and loneliness.
Recess is offering Baby Sign Language online 3/20 at 10am and a six week playgroup series starting 3/27. We will also be bringing our expecting parent circles and new parent circles online in the coming days. Check out our workshops page
Practice SF has created a series of new online programs: Parenting in Stressful Times. This is such a stressful and anxiety-provoking time for everyone, everywhere. The mission at Practice revolves around supporting kids, teens, and parents in managing stress, anxiety, and big emotions effectively– and in creating community.
Infectious disease outbreaks can lead to strong feelings of distress, including among people considered at higher risk, healthcare workers, and their loved ones. You're not alone: the national @Distressline 1-800-985-5990 offers 24/7 emotional support #COVID19
Parentline is available to support you as well. Parenting can be exciting and challenging even in the best of times. With the added layer of stress during this pandemic, please reach out if you’re struggling. Contact Parentline for free support and resources from a team that specializes in the birth to three period. Toll-free: 1-844- 415-BABY (2229) Email:
Are there other resources we should include? Please drop us a line!