recess retail

Shop Small!


November 25, 9:30-12:30


Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting the small businesses that anchor our local communities and strengthen our economy.

You can show your support by joining us the Saturday after Thanksgiving at Recess to get some holiday shopping done, meet new local small business owners and let the little ones burn off some steam!   


9:30-12:30:  Small Business Saturday - Pop Up Holiday shopping and Play in our front Studio Space!  DIY Gift Wrap Station, Mimosa Bar and Goodies, too.

9:30-12:30: Toy sale -- all toys are 10% off AND if you buy $25 in the Recess store, you can stay and play for free.

9-1pm:  Indoor Play ($20/family) with MUSIC TIME class in the playspace at 10-10:30am.



Lalee Kids is a heritage brand rooted in handwoven textiles. Our clothing is developed using socially and environmentally compliant practices in all steps of the production. We promote slow fashion and uphold fine craftsmanship while fairly compensa…

Lalee Kids is a heritage brand rooted in handwoven textiles. Our clothing is developed using socially and environmentally compliant practices in all steps of the production. We promote slow fashion and uphold fine craftsmanship while fairly compensating the artisans who weave our textiles and manufacture our clothing. We strongly believe the earth is finite and the choices we make give us a chance to preserve it for the future generations to enjoy. 

Melinda Gail is a bohemian spiritual accessories company for women. It began when Melinda was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She sketched angel cards and sewed bags to bring to chemo sessions. Other patients caught on, and a business was be…

Melinda Gail is a bohemian spiritual accessories company for women. It began when Melinda was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She sketched angel cards and sewed bags to bring to chemo sessions. Other patients caught on, and a business was begun. A portion of all proceeds go to local Bay Area Young Survivors and Cleaning for a Reason. The collection includes angel kits, bags, shirts, candles and crystals. The goal of Melinda Gail is to remind women of their spirit and the divine help that surrounds them.

 Wee Wild Ones are designed to make decorating for your own kids fun and easy, and to let you give that thoughtful, unique gift for parents-to-be you've been imagining but can't seem to find.  


Wee Wild Ones are designed to make decorating for your own kids fun and easy, and to let you give that thoughtful, unique gift for parents-to-be you've been imagining but can't seem to find. 


S w i n g  is a modern, delightful & elegant jewelry line made in San Francisco.  Everyone needs a little Swing in their life!

S w i n g  is a modern, delightful & elegant jewelry line made in San Francisco.  Everyone needs a little Swing in their life!

 LuLaRoe is a California company that specializes in women's clothes in sizes 0 to 22. Comfortable, classy, affordable and unique! Only 5,000 pieces made in each print and size so every shipment is original. Start with the butter soft leggings and f…


LuLaRoe is a California company that specializes in women's clothes in sizes 0 to 22. Comfortable, classy, affordable and unique! Only 5,000 pieces made in each print and size so every shipment is original. Start with the butter soft leggings and fall in love with the tops, skirts and dresses, some with pockets! 

Beautycounter creates safe and effective skin care and cosmetics for women and their families. We meticulously screen our ingredients for safety, so your beauty rituals come with peace of mind. Beautycounter is on a mission to get safe products…

Beautycounter creates safe and effective skin care and cosmetics for women and their families. We meticulously screen our ingredients for safety, so your beauty rituals come with peace of mind. Beautycounter is on a mission to get safe products into the hands of everyone. 



CRAFTSMAN Coffee:  We are a small batch, artisan coffee roaster passionate about bringing specialty coffee into Pacifica, CA. We are proud to serve the community by making each cup perfect. Coffee rituals should be enjoyed by everyone and are experiences to knit our community together!

onehope wine.png

Recess invites you to enjoy the Mimosa Bar, snacks, and get into the holiday spirit with ONEHOPE Wine.

Happy Fathers Day Week - The Daddy Handbook

Our Neighbor, Steven Moss, has been writing for years, most recently for the Potrero View. He recently compiled his essays on both his own childhood memories and his experiences parenting his daughter.

Set in San Francisco, where dogs famously outnumber children, The Daddy Handbook finds extraordinary meaning in ordinary - sometimes surprising - interactions between a father and daughter. The illustrated book consists of story snapshots, followed by “tips” that illuminate the tales. Funny, poignant, insightful. A great read for dads-in-waiting, fathers with stories of their own, and moms looking for a laugh.  Meet our neighbor, and local paper editor, Steven Moss through this great book.  

Pick up your copy at Recess or on Amazon!


Excerpt from The Daddy Handbook

By Steven J. Moss

“There’s no such thing as a Daddy Handbook,” my daughter said, squinting at me suspiciously.

“Sure, there is,” I countered. “It’s issued to every dad when they bring home their baby.”

“Show it to me, then,” she insisted.

“I can’t,” I replied, “It’s for daddies’ eyes only. I’d be breaking the daddy code if I showed it to you.”

Benjamin Moss plays with his granddaughter, Shelah Moss, 1966.

Benjamin Moss plays with his granddaughter, Shelah Moss, 1966.

Since my daughter could talk in semi-complete sentences, I’ve been invoking the Daddy Handbook as a disciplinary tool, though I’ve never actually shown it to her, and, for all she knows, it doesn’t exist.

“Why do I have to go to bed at 7:30?”

“Because of the Daddy Handbook.”

“I don’t want to buckle my seat belt!”

“Sorry, the Daddy Handbook says you have to. If you don’t, I might lose my daddy privileges.”

Oddly, given my strong-willed and charmingly manipulative daughter, citing the handbook mostly works. She protests less, and with better humor, when I call it out. When she was little the booked tickled her desire for a higher authority, a league of daddies who had carefully thought-out responses to murky situations. It made her feel safe. As she reaches adolescence, her belief that the book is real has diminished, though it remains higher than her faith that the Tooth Fairy is anybody other than me.

It helps that I’ve used the handbook sparingly, and mostly for things that make intuitive sense to her, even if she doesn’t like the rules: sleep, safety, and hygiene. I tried employing the handbook once to get her to do her homework, but quickly abandoned the tactic when it became clear that a book she’s never seen was powerless in the face of the quite real math exercises she held in her hand.

Lately, I’ve had to dip into the book’s more creative recesses to get her attention. A few weeks ago she refused to brush her teeth before bedtime, preferring to play with a half-deflated balloon.

“You gotta brush your teeth,” I said, “it’s in the Daddy Handbook.” She ignored me. “Alright, then,” I continued, “I’ll need to call the tooth brushing guy.” I could see her ears perk up.

“What tooth brushing guy?” she asked. “There’s no tooth brushing guy.”

“Sure, there is,” I replied, “he advertises in the Daddy Handbook. You give him a call, and he’ll come over and brush your children’s teeth. He even does dogs.”

“Huh,” she said, still playing with her balloon, though with diminished intensity.

“I’ll go call him,” I said. As I walked toward the telephone in the other room a strong wind rattled the windows. “Oh, maybe he’s here already.”

“No need, no need,” said my daughter, rushing to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

“Maybe that wasn’t him after all,” I said, as I looked out the window. But by that time my daughter, her teeth freshly scrubbed, was already in bed.