
Parents: An invitation to sit back and relax

Do less, observe more, enjoy most. - Magda Gerber

Children's brains are truly fascinating. They are constructing knowledge about their world from day one, and when given the opportunity to explore, they learn even more. It may seem counterintuitive, but allowing a child (yes, even a very young infant!) the space and freedom to play autonomously, and narrowing our role as parents to one of "observer" is a powerful shift. 

As simple as it sounds, taking a step back, and truly letting your child be can feel surprisingly difficult. If you're anything like me, you probably have an impulse to assist babies, to teach them "how" to use a toy, and to lead them through ways they can (should?) play.

You might hear yourself taking the lead and informing your child, "this block goes on top of this one," "Look at how neat this is," etc.  But when we intentionally stop and let them do the discovering it's pretty incredible what starts to happen!  

Observation helps us to understand what they are communicating, it allows us to realize the difference between our babies’ needs and our projections, to figure out what they’re really up to and know whether to intervene or stay out of their way.  It's nuts how often staying out of their way is actually an option! 

If you are interested in learning more, check out two of our favorite resources. 

Creating a “Yes Space”

Learn more about how to create a "Yes space" in your home for a child to safely explore.

A YES space is a gift to both children and their parents. It offers children ownership of a safe place that encourages play, learning, creativity, agency, and a strong sense of self. Parents get to enjoy one the great pleasures of parenting – observing their infant or toddler as they explore and master the world around them. Janet describes YES spaces in form and function, dispelling some common misconceptions and sharing tips about how children and parents can benefit the most. Learn more

Respectful Parenting

Gain a beautiful context for supporting infants development from one of the pioneers in the field Magda Gerber.  

The basis of Magda's Gerber's RIE philosophy is respect for, and trust in the baby to be an initiator, an explorer, and a self learner.

I LOVE her thoughts on toys and play. Do check them out here if you have an infant in your life. 


"One of the greatest gifts Magda bestows on us is the knowledge that infants are self-learners. And this is how a parent or caregiver spells relief. Self-learning means we don’t need to provide any lessons for a baby, and we need not feel pressured by developmental timetables. Infants are internally motivated to learn the things they need to learn: motor skills, communication, problem solving. 

We provide the foundation of a secure relationship with a caring adult, a safe environment conducive to exploration and discovery, and let nature takes its course. We never have to worry that we are not doing ‘enough,’ or that the child isn’t doing ‘enough.’ Whatever a healthy infant or toddler chooses to do in his safe environment is the perfect curriculum for him on any particular day. We let go of ‘doing’, and are left with observing, learning, enjoying."

-Janet Landsbury  


Welcoming Baby

You have a unique opportunity, before baby arrives, to gather information, connect with other families-to-be, and build your parenting tool kit.

expecting parent classes 2020.png

We've assembled some of the Bay Area's top notch experts to support you in the transition to parenthood. Join us!

Coming up:

Infant Sleep 1/25 with Dr. Angelique Millette

Newborn Care 1/25

Infant CPR 1/30

Expecting Parent Meet up 2/1 with Parentline

Childbirth Prep 2/16 with Kelly Gray

Intro to baby sign language 3/20 with Happy Baby Signs

Carmel Blue's Prenatal Classes Coming to Recess

Recess is excited to announce that, in addition to our parenting and safety workshops you've come to rely on, we'll be adding Carmel Blue's acclaimed Prenatal classes to our services starting this July.  

Carmel Blue has been an amazing resource for new & expectant parents since 2010. Founder, Sharone Nassi, dedicated the past 8 years to creating a welcoming community place in North Beach, and helping new families set the foundations for a healthy, happy and supported parenting experience. Her mom/baby groups alone have served over 4500 moms and dads to date, and the childbirth preparation, newborn preparation and CPR classes have served countless more.


Both Lisa Nowell, Recess' founder, & Sharone agree that in an ideal world, prenatal couples will come to expect support, community and education as an integral part of their prenatal experience. This eases the transition to parenting a newborn, receiving support and knowing how to access it after baby arrives.

By bringing the excellent prenatal support Sharone and her team have curated to the Recess community we've cultivated over the past decade, we will be able to continue to support parents for the full range of the early years.  

We are looking forward to extending the support Recess offers to new parents as we strive to create a culture of connection, support and play to lighten the load for families raising kids in San Francisco. 


Visit our Prenatal Page for Current Classes:


Recess' offerings for new parents


Questions?  Please reach out!

Fall Fitness: Pregnant? Pilates!

Stay Strong & Fit through your Pregnancy.


One the top reasons Pilates and pregnancy go together so well is that Pilates is great at building core strength. The exercises and stretches in prenatal pilates improve core strength—essential during pregnancy—by toning the back, abdominals, and pelvic floor/kegel muscles. If your abdominals, back, and pelvic floor/Kegel muscles are toned, they will support a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery.

Pilates is also famous for helping new moms get their figures back after baby is born! Join other expecting moms in our Prenatal Pilates class, with instructor Stephanie Foster, owner and founder of Preggo Pilates.

2nd time mama?  Recess offers childcare during class!



Our instructor, Stephanie Forster is the founder of Preggo Pilates and the Director of Pre and Postnatal Education at EHS Pilates in San Francisco. She brings over 15 years experience as a Pilates practitioner, dancer, body worker, anatomy and yoga student and choreographer to her teaching, which is infused with irreverence and humor.

Her firsthand knowledge of pregnancy, birth and Mamahood and deep connection to the local birthing community make her a natural at serving pre and postnatal women. Stephanie is a qualified teacher of the Tupler Technique, for healing diastasis recti (split abdominals) and a founding member of the Mamas Resource Network, an eclectic Bay Area network of professionals who serve, support and educate pregnant and postpartum women and their families. She has an M.F.A. in Dance Performance and Choreography from Mills College and has been a dance faculty member of the Rhythm and Motion Dance Program since 2000. When she is not busy in a Pilates or dance studio you can find her chasing after her two young children.